Cataract Phaco

  • Phaco Surgery For Cataract

    It is the opacification of the transparent lens of the eye.

    A person could be having cataract if she/ he experiences:

    • Glare of oncoming vehicles at night
    • Near vision difficulty is present even with good light
    • Inability to perceive depth or
    • Cannot identify people at a distance, particularly in sunlight

    After a thorough pre-operative eye assessment including the power of intra ocular lens evaluation by A scan biometry, ascertaining patient’s visual requirements and obtaining fitness by the physician, cataract surgery is done with the following advantages:

A scan for assessing IOL power and vitreo retinal status.

  • Walk in– Walk out, surgery usually takes 10 to 15 minuts only, then a 3 hours hospital stay
  • No injection – anaesthesia of the eye is only by eye drops, very comfortable for the patient
  • No suture
  • No patch
  • No redness
  • No swelling
  • No post operative pain

It is done by the latest technique of Phacoemulsification with foldable intra ocular lens implantation [ multifocal or unifocal ]
Wave front intraocular lenses providing better contrast sensitivity are inserted upon patient’s request.
Patient can resume duty next day itself.
High power is also taken care of by refractive cataract surgery.

Patient sees,looks and feels like a youngster. Dependence on glasses is minimized.
Packages: Various surgical packages are available to suit the individual’s affordability.
Postoperative care instructions are given meticulously.